Tuesday 8 February 2011


Filming entry 1: Today we did our first day of filming and we decided to shoot the daytime section of our thriller opening. They were all shots in the dining room mostly of her working. The end of the daytime shoot is her falling asleep at the computer so we need to make sure that when we do the night time section the camera is in the same position as well as other continuity.

Filming entry 2: Today we finished our first attempt at our thriller opening by filming the night time section. Today's filming involved scenes in both the dining room and the kitchen and it builds up to the killer attacking her.

Filming entry 3: After being told that our shots were not creative enough, today we reshot our thriller opening. We tried to keep in continuity with the first two days in case we needed any of the previous shots. We filmed the entire piece today and we are feeling more confident about it than we did about the first two times.

Editing entry 1: Today we started editing our thriller opening. We captured all of the shots from the tape and started a rough cut.  We have started to take the shots from the bin and put them to a time that seemed good enough for the rough cut.

Editing entry 2: Today we carried on editing our thriller opening. We carried on with our rough cut and have nearly finished it.

Editing entry 3: Today we finished our rough cut but realised the beginning of our piece isn't good enough to put our title credits over so we have decided to shoot a small section that will go at the beginning of the piece.

Editing entry 4: We still haven't had time to film yet so we started editing our piece in more detail today from the beginning. We will need to get the timings exactly right and add effects.

Editing entry 5: Today we added the new section to the beginning of our piece and finished editing the film in detail. We decided to get rid of the scene in which we planning to use effects because it wasn't needed in the piece.

Editing entry 6: Today we looked for music for our piece and attached it to our film and made sure the timing was right.

Editing entry 7: Today we added an effect to the end of our piece where it zoom into the victims eye and the screen goes white. We also added credits which means we have now finished editing.

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